· VINTAGE AGFA B2 SPEEDEX 6X6 FOLDING CAMERA FOR FILM Paypal US $ 's Agfa Ansco B-2 Shur Shot Box www.doorway.ruful for Display · zoom · 's Agfa. As other sites will tell you, the TDC Colorist II was made in Germany by Bodensee Kamerawerke for. Agfa Standard Roll Film Camera instruction manual, user manual. Agfa Standard Roll Film Camera Posted ' The next page contains information on this camera. If the image below looks like your camera, click below to see the full manual. This camera manual library is for reference Agfa Standard roll film PDF MANUAL. AGFA Camera Instruction Manuals. I have hundreds of other camera manual I have collected since from company sites. that no longer post "non supported models". as well as from personal web sites that have closed over the years. You MUST E-mail me the "folder name" of the model as well as the "exact file name". if you wish to receive a copy.
Produced ? Agfa Ansco Corp, Binghamton, NY USA. Film type B2 () rollfilm. Picture size 6×9. Weight oz (g) Lens single element meniscus (looks like a big contact lens) Focal range assume 2m to infinity for most box cameras. Shutter simple spring w/sliding aperture disc. Shutter speeds one speed, about 1/60, plus ‘time’. AGFA SPEEDEX B2. SUMMARY. This is the American made Agfa version of the Speedex B2, which is identical (all but name) to the Ansco model. Since Agfa/Ansco was the same company at the time, this was common practice. In fact at one time Agfa, Ansco and GAF were all one in the same company, due in part to mergers and name changes to avoid problems. AGFA Camera Instruction Manuals. I have hundreds of other camera manual I have collected since from company sites. that no longer post "non supported models". as well as from personal web sites that have closed over the years. You MUST E-mail me the "folder name" of the model as well as the "exact file name". if you wish to receive a copy.
For more information on Agfa products and Agfa HealthCare products, automatically traces the films used in the printer and protects the printer when. Remember that the exposure guide in the manual may not be helpful as it is based on the use of old film with a low ISO value. Using ISO / film - shutter. The new models of the Selectronic series were manufactured by Chinon. Agfa gave up camera production in All later Agfa film cameras were OEM products.