· Fujifilm DL Zoom. The Fujifilm DL Zoom is a compact 35mm zoom camera in Fuji 's drop-in loading (DL/Discovery) series. It is available in the US as the Discovery Zoom. Full dark black body version were available as the Discover Zoom BL. Some models are a lighter shade. · See original listing. Fujifilm Discovery Zoom 35mm Point Shoot Film Camera and manual. Photos not available for this variation. Condition: Used. Ended: , AM. Winning bid: US $End date: . FUJIFILM DL discovery zoom camera manual. FUJIFILM DL Discovery zoom. The next page contains information on this camera. If the image below looks like your camera, click below to see the full manual. If you find this manual useful, how about a donation of $3 to: M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ
Discovery Zoom Date: Fujifilm Discovery S Zoom Date / Discovery S Zoom / Discovery S Zoom () - ; Manual focus Fujica GS Compact zoom in Fuji's drop-in loading (DL/Discovery) series. Also available with remote control and in a date-imprinting model. As with many of the later zoom-lensed compacts from major manufacturers, the lens is impressively sharp and contrasty with only a touch of vignetting at the wide end. The flash also produces good exposures because its power is automatically set according to the. Fujifilm Discovery Zoom. The next page contains information on this camera. If the image below looks like your camera, click below to see the full manual. The next page also contains information on how to donate to this site. <<< IF YOU WOULD LIKE THIS OR ANY PDF FILE PRINTED, BOUND AND.
This video is a review and shoot with the compact camera FujiFilm Discovery Zoom Date. I take the camera around my yard to shoot. Fuji Discovery QD Zoom Date Point and Shoot Camera Super EBC coated lens with motorized zoom (mm). Fujifilm DLS User's Manual. Fujifilm Discovery Zoom instruction manual. This manual will show you how to use your camera correctly. High Quality Omm Autofocus zoom.